Natural Digestive Enzyme With Carminatives Syrup
Egazyme syrup is a digestive which is used to cure digestive disorders. It mainly treats indigestion, loss of appetite, burping, flatulence (gas), and abdominal distention (bloating and swelling in the stomach area). Indigestion is the problem of digesting food, which is associated with pain and discomfort in the stomach.
Egazyme syrup contains essential ingredients which help in digesting the food. Egazyme syrup is a syrup that works by breaking down or digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This syrup is used as a digestive helps in indigestion and stomach fullness problems. This syrup helps in solving all the stomach problems of children and provides relaxation to them.
Medical Benefits
Egazyme syrup extarcts important elements which help in digesting the food. This syrup helps in solving all the stomach problems of children and provides relaxation to them. Egazyme syrup helps in curing digestive disorder which mainly cures indigestion, loss of appetite, swelling in stomach and other stomach-related problems. Take this medicine to their children after the prescription of their healthcare professional and in the prescribed dose.
Direction To Use
Take this medicine after the consultation with your healthcare professional. Ask them if you have some medical history. Read all the instructions carefully labeled on the bottle. Shake the bottle properly before taking the syrup. Taking this medicine in a prescribed dose.
Keep this medicine in a cool and dry place and don’t expose this medicine directly in front of sunlight.
Take this medicine when your healthcare professional prescribes this to your children. If you have any allergic issues from any of the ingredients of this syrup so inform your doctor. If there is any medical history of your children so inform your healthcare professional they will prescribe the right dose to you and other suggestions to treat your children. The dose of this medicine will depend on your child’s current health condition as observed by your healthcare professional. Keep this medicine away from the pets this medicine creates a bad impact on them. If your children are suffering from any side effects after taking this medicine ask your healthcare professional. Never stop taking the medicine before completing the treatment.